Sunday 28 February 2016

Anti Smoking Campaign

a Non- Smoking Campaign seminar was held at Asia PAcidfic College. I am not a smoker but the seminar let me saw the possible outcomes of smoking and make me want to make my smoker friends realize what smoking does to them. I think this kind of projects can help the society is simple way. In simply not smoking. Why? because when someone is smoking it's not just him or her who inhale the smoke but also the people that surrounds them it is called Seconhand Smoking. I believe that  it's more hazardous than the smoker.

The speaker  made me realized that as soon as possible youth should stop smoking for them to have a better life in the near future. He's like an instrument of God to spread the good words... 

According to the Department of Health (DOH) The national survey, conducted by the Social Weather Stations, Inc. (SWS) in March 2014, aimed to assess the effects of RA 10351, otherwise known as the Sin Tax law, a year after its implementation. The household survey, with 1,200 respondents nationwide, revealed that the law succeeded in reducing smoking prevalence among population sub-groups, particularly the youth and the poor.

The study showed that the prevalence of smoking for those belonging to Socio-Economic Class E or the very poor dropped from 38% in December 2012 to 25% in March 2014. Across age groups, smoking prevalence among those belonging to the 18 to 24 year-old age group as also reduced from 35% in December 2012 to 18% in March 2014. 

I hope there will be more seminars that can help the students in building themselves in  being part of the society.

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